

 I am deeply grateful to Dr. P. Cheramannan, Principal of Sri Sai Ram Homeopathy Medical College and Research Centre, for his invaluable guidance and unwavering support throughout the entire process of providing this valuable “Homoeopathic Therapeutics for all Diseases” to the Entire World.


I extend my heartfelt appreciation to the Management of Sairam for their generosity in providing all the necessary facilities and resources, which greatly facilitated the progress of my work.


A Special thanks to Prof. Dr. Preena Jane and Dr. K. Mahadevan, Hospital Incharge, for their encouragement and motivation, which played a pivotal role in completing this work successfully.


I extend our sincere gratitude to Ass.Prof Dr. Aedeen, Department of Materia Medica for his innovative ideas, constant motivation, and meticulous corrections that have greatly enriched the content, ensuring its accuracy and quality.


I am indebted to Dr. H. Satish Kumar, Medical Officer, for his technical assistance and valuable insights that contributed to the refinement of this work.


I would also like to extend a special thanks to Dr. Vaahini, Medical Officer, for her assistance in providing Content, which greatly aided in the development of this Work.



Furthermore, I express my gratitude to Mr. R. Venkatesan, Librarian, for his support in providing access to essential facilities and valuable references essential for the completion.


A heartfelt thanks to my friends my entire "Geborein Zuhelin 2k17" batch for their constant support and enthusiasm throughout this journey. Special mentions to Dr. Abinaya, Dr. Akshaya, Dr. Kirthika, and Dr. Ragavi for their assistance in refining the content, their contributions have been invaluable.


I would also like to acknowledge and thank All teaching Staffs of Sairam Homoeopathy Medical College and Research Centre for the knowledge they imparted . Their dedication and expertise have been

instrumental in shaping and better understanding of the subject matter and enriching the content of this Noble Work.


I am truly grateful to all individuals mentioned above for their unwavering support and encouragement. Their contributions have been invaluable, and I am deeply thankful for their assistance. 

-     Dr.K.AmrithaAnilkumar., B.H.M.S.,